ic_bus_48 117

Killay - Gower (up to Burry Green)

Via Parkmill, Oxwich & Horton

Tickets & Fares

Swansea Day Inner Zone, Revised Fares 2nd Feb 25

Swansea Day Inner Zone

Swansea Day Outer Zone, Revised Fares 2nd Feb 25

Swansea Day Outer Zone

Swansea Week Inner Zone, Revised Fares 2nd Feb 25

Swansea Week Inner Zone

Swansea Week Outer Zone, Revised Fares 2nd Feb 25

Swansea Week Outer Zone

Swansea 4-Weekly Inn Zone Revised Fares 2nd Feb 25

Swansea 4-Weekly Inner Zone

Onboard Tickets are not available on this route at present

Route Guide

  • Killay Square
  • Gower Road, Killay
  • Railway Inn, Killay
  • Cila Primary School, Upper Killay
  • Pines Church, Upper Killay
  • Summerland Park, Upper Killay
  • Upper Killay Community Centre
  • Fairwood Hospital, Upper Killay
  • Fairwood Airport, Blackhills
  • Cannisland Park, Kittle
  • Heritage Centre, Parkmill
  • Shepherds, Parkmill
  • St John the Baptist`s, Penmaen
  • Penmaen House
  • Nicholaston Cross
  • Oxwich Towers, Perriswood
  • Oxwich Cross
  • Oxwich Cross
  • Greenways Leisure Park, Oxwich Green
  • Oxwich Green Farm
  • Greenways Leisure Park, Oxwich Green
  • Oxwich Cross
  • Oxwich Towers, Perriswood
  • Penrice
  • Horton Farm Caravan Park
  • Horton Village Hall
  • Lower Horton Car Park
  • Horton Village Hall
  • Horton Farm Caravan Park
  • Port Eynon Terminus
  • Overton Turn, Port Eynon
  • Moor Corner Farm, Port Eynon
  • Golden Grove, Scurlage
  • Scurlage
  • Moor Corner Farm, Port Eynon
  • Port Eynon Terminus
  • Overton Turn, Port Eynon
  • Horton Farm Caravan Park
  • Horton Village Hall
  • Lower Horton Car Park
  • Horton Village Hall
  • Horton Farm Caravan Park
  • Penrice
  • Oxwich Cross
  • Greenways Leisure Park, Oxwich Green
  • Oxwich Green Farm
  • Greenways Leisure Park, Oxwich Green
  • Oxwich Cross
  • Oxwich Towers, Perriswood
  • Nicholaston Cross
  • Penmaen House
  • St John the Baptist`s, Penmaen
  • Shepherds, Parkmill
  • Parkmill Police Station
  • Cannisland Park, Kittle
  • Fairwood Airport, Blackhills
  • Upper Killay Community Centre
  • Summerland Park, Upper Killay
  • Edgemoor Close, Upper Killay
  • Summerland Park Green, Upper Killay
  • Edgemoor Close, Upper Killay
  • Pines Church, Upper Killay
  • Cila Primary School, Upper Killay
  • Railway Inn, Killay
  • Gower Road, Killay
  • Killay Square


Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 117 - Bishopston Comprehensive School - Lower Horton

  ORG1 NORG1       ORG1 NORG1    
Killay Square
Killay (before)
--- --- 10:03 12:05 14:15 --- 15:50 --- ---
Summerland Park
Upper Killay (NW)
--- --- 10:06 12:08 14:18 --- 15:53 --- ---
Upper Killay Community Centre
Upper Killay (NW)
--- --- 10:07 12:09 14:19 --- 15:54 --- ---
Fairwood Airport
Blackhills (SW)
--- --- 10:11 12:13 14:23 --- 15:58 --- ---
Bishopston Comprehensive School
Bishopston (in)
08:17 --- --- --- --- 15:12 --- --- ---
Kittle (Beaufort Arms)
08:22 --- --- --- --- 15:17 --- --- ---
St Mary`s Church
Pennard (NW)
08:24 --- --- --- --- 15:19 --- --- ---
Heritage Centre
08:28 08:28 10:16 12:18 14:28 15:23 16:03 17:49 18:46
St John the Baptist`s
Penmaen (SW)
08:30 08:30 10:19 12:21 14:31 15:25 16:06 17:51 18:49
Oxwich Towers
Perriswood (S)
08:35 08:35 10:24 12:26 14:36 15:30 16:11 17:56 18:54
Oxwich Cross
Oxwich (before)
08:39 08:39 10:28 12:30 14:40 15:34 16:15 17:59 18:57
Oxwich Green Farm
Oxwich Green (SW)
08:41 08:41 10:30 12:32 14:42 15:36 16:17 18:01 18:59
Oxwich Cross
Oxwich (after)
08:43 08:43 10:32 12:34 --- 15:38 16:19 18:03 ---
08:48 08:48 10:37 12:39 --- 15:43 16:24 18:08 ---
Horton Village Hall
Horton (SW)
08:53 08:53 10:42 12:44 --- 15:48 16:29 18:13 ---
Lower Horton Car Park
Horton (SW)
08:55 08:55 10:44 12:46 --- --- 16:31 18:16 ---
Horton Village Hall
Horton (NE)
--- --- 10:48 12:50 --- 15:48 16:35 --- ---
Port Eynon Terminus
Port Eynon (at)
--- --- 10:53 12:55 --- --- --- --- ---
Golden Grove
Scurlage (NW)
--- --- 10:58 13:00 --- 15:53 16:40 --- ---
Bethesda Church
Burrygreen (SE)
--- --- --- --- --- 16:00 --- --- ---

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Journey notes

  • ORG1
    • Service runs only during working days of Schools
  • NORG1
    • Service does not run during working days of Schools

Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 117 - Lower Horton - Bishopston Comprehensive School

  ORG1 NORG1       ORG1 NORG1    
Bethesda Church
Burrygreen (NW)
07:20 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
07:29 07:38 --- 10:59 13:09 --- --- 16:40 ---
Port Eynon Terminus
Port Eynon (at)
--- --- --- 11:04 13:14 --- --- 16:45 ---
Horton Village Hall
Horton (SW)
07:34 07:43 --- 11:11 13:21 --- --- 16:52 ---
Lower Horton Car Park
Horton (SW)
--- --- 08:56 11:13 13:23 --- --- 16:54 18:16
Horton Village Hall
Horton (NE)
--- --- 09:00 11:17 13:27 --- --- 16:58 18:20
07:40 07:48 09:05 11:22 13:32 --- --- 17:03 18:25
Oxwich Cross
Oxwich (after)
07:46 07:53 09:10 11:27 13:37 --- --- 17:08 18:30
Oxwich Green Farm
Oxwich Green (SW)
07:49 07:55 09:13 11:30 13:40 14:42 14:42 17:10 18:32
Oxwich Cross
Oxwich (after)
07:51 07:57 09:15 11:32 13:42 14:44 14:44 17:12 18:34
Oxwich Towers
Perriswood (N)
07:56 08:01 09:20 11:37 13:47 14:49 14:49 17:16 18:38
St John the Baptist`s
Penmaen (after)
08:01 08:06 09:25 11:42 13:52 14:54 14:54 17:21 18:43
Parkmill Police Station
Parkmill (nr former)
08:04 08:09 09:28 11:45 13:55 14:57 14:57 17:24 18:46
Fairwood Airport
Blackhills (NE)
--- --- 09:33 11:50 14:00 --- 15:02 --- ---
Upper Killay Community Centre
Upper Killay (SE)
--- --- 09:37 11:54 14:04 --- 15:06 --- ---
Killay Square
Killay (after)
--- --- 09:42 11:59 14:09 --- 15:11 --- ---
St Mary`s Church
Pennard (SE)
08:09 --- --- --- --- 15:02 --- --- ---
Kittle (Beaufort Arms)
08:11 --- --- --- --- 15:04 --- --- ---
Bishopston Comprehensive School
Bishopston (in)
08:14 --- --- --- --- 15:07 --- --- ---

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Journey notes

  • ORG1
    • Service runs only during working days of Schools
  • NORG1
    • Service does not run during working days of Schools

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 117 - Bishopston Comprehensive School - Lower Horton

Killay Square
Killay (before)
--- 10:03 12:05 14:15 15:50 --- ---
Upper Killay Community Centre
Upper Killay (NW)
--- 10:07 12:09 14:19 15:54 --- ---
Fairwood Airport
Blackhills (SW)
--- 10:11 12:13 14:23 15:58 --- ---
Heritage Centre
08:28 10:16 12:18 14:28 16:03 17:44 18:46
St John the Baptist`s
Penmaen (SW)
08:30 10:19 12:21 14:31 16:06 17:46 18:49
Oxwich Towers
Perriswood (S)
08:35 10:24 12:26 14:36 16:11 17:51 18:54
Oxwich Cross
Oxwich (before)
08:39 10:28 12:30 14:40 16:15 17:54 18:57
Oxwich Green Farm
Oxwich Green (SW)
08:41 10:30 12:32 14:42 16:17 17:56 18:59
Oxwich Cross
Oxwich (after)
08:43 10:32 12:34 --- 16:19 17:58 ---
08:48 10:37 12:39 --- 16:24 18:03 ---
Horton Village Hall
Horton (SW)
08:53 10:42 12:44 --- 16:29 18:08 ---
Lower Horton Car Park
Horton (SW)
08:55 10:44 12:46 --- 16:31 18:11 ---
Horton Village Hall
Horton (NE)
--- 10:48 12:50 --- 16:35 --- ---
Port Eynon Terminus
Port Eynon (at)
--- 10:53 12:55 --- --- --- ---
Golden Grove
Scurlage (NW)
--- 10:58 13:00 --- 16:40 --- ---

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 117 - Lower Horton - Bishopston Comprehensive School

07:38 --- 10:59 13:09 --- 16:40 ---
Port Eynon Terminus
Port Eynon (at)
--- --- 11:04 13:14 --- 16:45 ---
Horton Village Hall
Horton (SW)
07:43 --- 11:11 13:21 --- 16:52 ---
Lower Horton Car Park
Horton (SW)
--- 08:56 11:13 13:23 --- 16:54 18:16
Horton Village Hall
Horton (NE)
07:43 09:00 11:17 13:27 --- 16:58 18:20
07:48 09:05 11:22 13:32 --- 17:03 18:25
Oxwich Cross
Oxwich (after)
07:53 09:10 11:27 13:37 --- 17:08 18:30
Oxwich Green Farm
Oxwich Green (SW)
07:55 09:13 11:30 13:40 14:42 17:10 18:32
Oxwich Cross
Oxwich (after)
07:57 09:15 11:32 13:42 14:44 17:12 18:34
Oxwich Towers
Perriswood (N)
08:01 09:20 11:37 13:47 14:49 17:16 18:38
St John the Baptist`s
Penmaen (after)
08:06 09:25 11:42 13:52 14:54 17:21 18:43
Parkmill Police Station
Parkmill (nr former)
08:09 09:28 11:45 13:55 14:57 17:24 18:46
Fairwood Airport
Blackhills (NE)
--- 09:33 11:50 14:00 15:02 --- ---
Upper Killay Community Centre
Upper Killay (SE)
--- 09:37 11:54 14:04 15:06 --- ---
Killay Square
Killay (after)
--- 09:42 11:59 14:09 15:11 --- ---

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Generated on 03/11/2024 18:55